The Summer of 2020 was much like the summer of 2016 weather wise. It was very hot and dry in Northern Pennsylvania. One day, while wandering along Asaph Creek, Holly and I came upon a moss covered knoll that was incredibly green, and softer than any carpet I had ever walked on. As I walked around it and took a look over the edge at the creek bed I was intrigued by the exposed root systems caused by the erosion of the stream bank. Three days later I went back to sketch and felt there was something very familiar about this place. Later, I realized that we were in the same area that inspired my 2009 painting of a stream bank titled “The Thinking Place”. We were simply on the other side of the stream looking at new erosion of the same bank from a different angle. I had been drawn back to a new look, or perspective, of an old memory. Each time we visited this area during the summer we encountered a pair of ravens that kept their distance but continually moved up and down the creek making a racket as if to warn the forest of our encroachment.